ISO 14001 : 2015
Certification to ISO 41001 Facility Management
ISO 41001 Facility Management (FM) integrates multiple disciplines in order to have an influence on the efficiency and productivity of economies of societies, communities and organisations, as well as the manner in which individuals interact with the built environment. FM affects the health, well-being and quality of life of much of the world’s societies and population through the services it manages and delivers.
WHAT IS ISO 41001:2018?
ISO 41001: 2018 was released in 2018 and is the first international FMS to be published by ISO. It provides a framework in line with the Annex SL structure to help organizations cultivate, implement and maintain an effective global facilities management system. It is designed to help procurement and facilities teams by providing a benchmark to measure the competency and efficiencies of facilities management systems including the consistency and capability of the services used.
A facility management system is designed to help organizations integrate people, locations, processes and procedures in order to drive the improvement of stakeholders quality of life whilst keeping in mid company objectives of acnhieving continual business improvement.
ISO 41001:2018 was developed for organisations that incorporate or run facilities management systems which have the option of introducing compliance with the new standard into their business.
The standard was developed to further acknowledge the rapid growth and increased complexity of the facilities management market. It is not sector specific and is intended to be applicable to all organisations or parts of organisations, whether public or private sector, regardless of the type, size and nature of the organisation or geographical location. ISO 41001:2018 should be implemented so that an organisation:
- can demonstrate the effective and efficient delivery of its facilities management services
- can consistently meet the needs of interested parties and clients
- can plan to be sustainable in a globally-competitive environment

ISO 41001 enlists the requirements for the facility management systems of an organization that:
- Wants to demonstrate the efficiency of its facility management system and its effectiveness in meeting the organizational goals.
- Aims to sustain in a highly competitive environment.
- Meet the requirements of the interested parties consistently.
- The present Facility Management market is dominated by unorganised players and this structured frame work will prepare and meet the upcoming market potential and challenges. It will demonstrate effective and efficient delivery of FM that supports the objectives of the demand organisation. ISO 410001:2018 FM Aims to consistently meet the needs of interested parties and applicable requirements.
- The standard aims to be sustainable in a globally-competitive environment.
- Improved workforce productivity, safety and health and well-being.
- Improved communication of requirements and methodologies among and between public and private sector organisations.
- Improved efficiency and effectiveness, thus, improving cost benefits to organisations.
- Improved service consistency.
- Providing a common platform for all types of organisations.
There are two kinds of facility management- Hard and Soft.
As per ISO 41001:2018 the Scope of Hard Facility Management covers:
- Hard Facility Management covers the entire space & infrastructure. This refers to the physical built environment with focus on (work-) space and (building-) infrastructure (such as planning, design, workplace, construction, lease, occupancy, maintenance and furniture).
- Hard facility management relates to the physical part of the building and cannot be removed. These are ‘the essentials,’ and ensure the safety and well-being of staff.
- Majority of hard services are required by law and include provisions such as:
- Heating
- Lighting
- Plumbing
- Fire safety systems
- Air conditioning
- Preventative building maintenance or building improvements
- Electro-mechanical maintenance
As per ISO 41001:2018 the Scope of Soft Facility Management covers:
- Soft Facility Management covers the people & organisation. This is related to work psychology and occupational physiology (such as catering, cleaning, Information Communication Technology, Human Resource, accounting, marketing, hospitality)
- Soft Facility Management are services that are directly used by the staff and can make the workplace more safe or delightful. They are usually not compulsory and can be removed or added at any time.
- A few examples of soft services are:
- Building security
- Cleaning
- Aesthetics (decor or landscaping, etc.)
- Mail management
- Catering
- Office moves/ relocation
- Office etiquette/ decorum
ISO 41001 Facility Management system certification should be hassle-free. You’ll be appointed a BSI Client Manager, a trusted expert with relevant industry experience to your business, who can guide you through the process.
You need to:
- Contact us to discuss your timelines for certification
- Consider whether you would like to book an ISO 41001 gap audit. This is an optional assessment where we take a closer look at your existing facility management system and compare it with the requirements of the ISO 41001 standard to see how close you are before we carry out the formal assessment
- When you are ready book your certification assessment – this is a two-stage process where the length varies based on the size of your organization
- Ensure all the right people in your organization are available and prepared for the audit visit(s).
- System Manual
- System Procedure
- Policy
- Objectives
- Mission & Vision
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Checklist
- Forms
- Formats
- Records
- The extent of Documented Information differs as per:
- Organization’s size
- Activities performed by the organization
- Processes undertaken by the Organization
- Products and services offered by the organization
- The complexity of processes undertaken
- Competence of persons involved
Facility management is a professional discipline that touches every organisation – large and small. As such, it has a significant influence on how efficiently companies function in a number of area; In financial terms, facilities management constitutes the second-highest cost for any organisation with few exceptions and can, where relevant, make a considerable contribution to the bottom line on an ongoing basis.
In efficiency terms, facility managers have the responsibility for the management, operation and maintenance of business assets, thus, influencing their life cost and usability.
In compliance terms, facility managers are responsible for the health, safety and building management ensuring the organisation fulfils its obligations to those who use the workspace and are likely to be affected by its operations.
In environmental and sustainability terms, facility managers are responsible for operations in the workplace as well as the impact that its operations have on the local and overall environment.
BQSR provides the expertise and experience to assess your organisation’s Facility Management System. Our assessment services help your company to gain the confidence of stakeholders by recognising various stages, in addition to offering comprehensive evaluations and reports
Beyond theoretical knowledge, we have decades of practical experience in fields such as continuous improvement process (CIP), optimisation and customer focus. Our broad expertise enables a holistic perspective when assessing your company’s performance for ISO 41001:2018.
To ensure the right expertise for your project, we select the technical experts that match your needs. Our international network of technical experts provides additional support in the form of industry and specialist knowledge. With the backing of our large pool of experts, we provide the expertise required for your project.
Achieving certification of your facility management system with BSI helps demonstrate that you are a trusted organization that is committed to making the workplace more sustainable. You can celebrate and promote your success with the BSI Assurance Mark.
Plus you can access the BSI Assurance Portal to manage your visits, download your report and certificates and benchmark your performance to ensure ongoing success.
Benefits of achieving ISO 41001 certification
- Cost efficiencies : enables consistent FM delivery globally, helping to reduce overheads and gain economies of scale
- Strategic alignment: ensures FM supports the strategic direction of your customers
- Competitive advantage: shows dedication to continually improving your FM services so it adds value to your clients
- Improved culture: ISO 41001 makes sure that the FM services you deliver are safe for employees and those who engage in the workspace
- Better service consistency
- Common structure to Annex SL
- Process efficiency